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Guess where...

Time for another edition of "guess where" this photo was taken.  Try to be more specific than just a city, but all guesses are welcome.  Leave a comment below with your best guess.  In the meantime I will try to determine where I was exactly:)

Am I the only one that thinks built-in GPS is long over due for DSLR's?  Sure, you can buy a GPS unit for a DSLR - but camera phones and many point and shoots have had this built-in for a long time.

Yeah, I know battery life, extra costs, etc...  But it would be a very desirable feature for nearly all types of photography.

Come on Nikon and Canon, get with the program.


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Reader Comments (1)

My picture is the featured wallpaper!

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

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