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your best camera

To quote Chase Jarvis, “the best camera is the one that's with you”.


I was reminded of that during a recent post processing job for a client.  Besides my own photography, I often help others with their own images.


We all remember the snow, right?  Well during the first storm in December my neighbor decided to take a walk in the Battlefield to see all the snow.  It was very difficult to simply walk - much less bring along a heavy camera.  So off he went armed only with his Blackberry.  He took a series of photos of the wintery landscapes and lived to tell about his multi-hour journey.    


I’m not certain what resolution camera is in a Blackberry, but I can tell you the images were small and of low quality.  That is to be expected, it’s not a Nikon for gosh sakes:)   But that is not important.  What is important is that it was the camera he had with him and that was his best camera - at the time.  Without it he would have lost the opportunity to capture that moment in a photograph.


So with his series of small Blackberry pictures I was able to enlarge them to 16x20’s and fix them up a bit.  This is one of my favorites of the series.


click image to enalrge


I suspect the primary purpose of taking his Blackberry was to call for help if he got stuck.  Luckily it didn't come to that and instead it became his Best Camera.

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Reader Comments (1)

love this post. so true.

May 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterElysia Everett

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