Festival Français and l’Omelette Géante
Saturday, July 17
Tom Rothenberg in events, shoots

Today was the Festival Francais at the New Riverfront Park in Fredericksburg.  This event celebrates the 30th anniversary as a sister city with Fréjus, France, with a fabulous French Market of over 30 vendors and the cooking of a Giant Omelet (5,000 eggs) for all to share. 

I want to thank all the folks who stopped by my booth and purchased prints.  It was a pleasure to talk to all the friendly people.  It was a real scorcher out there but there was a great turnout.

A very special thank you to my lovely wife who helped me throughout the event.

I had to man my booth for the event but I did manage to get away to capture some images of the band "Foul Play".  They also sounded great.







Article originally appeared on Fredericksburg Portrait Photographer (http://blog.tomrothenberg.com/).
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