Those little town blues.....
Thursday, July 1
Tom Rothenberg in images

Just got back from New York City.  My friend Dave was kind enough to take me to some of his favorite spots.  We had a great time and I was able to capture a few decent images along the way.  Thanks for the tour and your hospitality Dave.

Also had a couple celebrity sightings along the way.  Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of them - so you will just have to take my word.

We walked through a filming of Larry David.  Don't think cameras were rolling at the moment we walked through the set.  But he was there. 

And later on as we sat outside eating at an awesome Mexican joint, Mickey Rourke and a lady friend walked right past me.   

Anyway, here are some faces and places I did capture. 

Enjoy, and have a good day.

Click images to enlarge.









all photos by Tom Rothenberg

Article originally appeared on Fredericksburg Portrait Photographer (
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