Gone Fishing.....
Thursday, March 18
Tom Rothenberg

All work and No All play leaves no time for blogging


Been pretty busy around here and haven't been able to blog this week as much as I was planning.

Next week won't be any better as I will be in Orlando for Photoshop World.  It will be a actioned packed week filled with classes, events, parties and visiting friends.

I am really looking forwarded to it.  As an added bonus I just learned that I am one of the finalist for the coveted Guru award.  As they say, it is an honor just to be nominated so I am thankful just to be in the running.  It does mean I get a front row seat to the keynote address so that's pretty cool in itself.

Upon my return to the commonwealth I plan to post plenty of photos from the parties and events from the week and share any interesting stories.

See ya soon

Article originally appeared on Fredericksburg Portrait Photographer (http://blog.tomrothenberg.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.